Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Lirik Suicidal Sinatra - Hope

 Title : Hope

Song   : Suicidal Sinatra

Word : Leo Sinatra & Liz O

When all your hope and dreams falls apart

Just grab my hand, ill take you to places

Places you’ve never been

Where are the stars are bright and shining in the sky

I’ll hold you, and hold you

And bring the hope back to you

Where theres hope and dreams

And will dream together

We Bring life together

Bring life back together

With kisses and smiles

I'll take you there

Where there is hope and dreams

And we’ll dream together

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Sumber : http://sutry95.blogspot.com/2011/08/cara-membuat-tombol-navigasi-next-page.html#ixzz1f1398cJ5 ^^Jangan Lupa Mencantumkan Link Ini. Jadilah Blogger Yang Beretika^^